Become A Member

Membership Benefits

* Ability to vote on Society issues.

* Issue of Los Bexareños Yearly Register (Published and distributed Sep/Oct time frame).

The register is an important genealogical source for the members of the Society.  The publication contains translations of census, marriages, baptisms, burials, wills and historical articles.  Sources from these translations come from and are about Texas localities, northern Mexico, and other areas with large hispanic populations and history.

* Numerous opportunities to meet with like-minded individuals to discuss genealogical topics, research projects and history.

To become a member, start by clicking the button below to fill out our online membership form.

(This will take you to another tab to choose your membership type, fill out the form, pay, and make a member profile)

If you prefer to join via mail, click the link below to download and print the form, fill out the information, and send it to our mailing address listed below.

Click Here to download the 2024 Form

2300 W. Commerce Street

Suite 104

San Antonio, TX 78207

*Only paid members are included in the membership directory. Only paid members can purchase the membership directory.